Friday 26 April 2013

Alpaca poo

Alpaca poo is a wonderment. Alpacas do their poo in select poo piles in the paddocks. They make several of these and always return to the poo piles to defecate. This makes tidying and cleaning the paddocks a dream.
The recommended everyday tool for collecting poo is a simple £7 snow shovel which is light and flexible enough to be able to scoop up the 'alpaca beans' easily.
We collect ours and bag it up for sale to allotmenteers and gardeners. It doesn't need to rot down like horse manure. Alpaca poo can be dug straight into the flower beds. Because of its pelleted nature the poo stays in the garden a longtime and breaks down ever so slowly providing gardeners with an excellent slow release fertiliser.
Here we see a slightly clumpy poo caused by the new grass coming in and a comparison picture of the normal 'alpaca beans' which look a bit like rabbit droppings.
We sell bags of alpaca poo at £3.50 a bag and the profit goes to the Warwickshire air ambulance. If there are any keen allotmenteers out there who want to give it a go please get in touch. It's all in a good cause!

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